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Round Tank Fabrication

Our organization is instrumental in offering a high quality range of FRP Tanks & Vessels (vertical or horizontal & round or square) to the esteemed customers. The range of FRP Tanks is designed and manufactured with the aid of latest technology and advanced machinery, available at our end. Moreover, we make sure to offer a range of products which conforms to the international quality standards.

Our equipment manufacturing niche is our shops flexibility to do custom stainless steel fabrication. Occupying a manufacturing facility of approximately 86,225 square feet, Quality Fabrication & Design is fully equipped with all the fabrication and machine shop equipment required to fully make us capable of handling any structural, sheet metal, and/or equipment manufacturing projects.

Our manufacturing facility consists of a variety of departments that enable the customer to rely on one manufacturer to handle all aspects of production. These departments, to name a few, include complete machine shop, a variety of welding techniques and procedures, water jet cutting, metal finishing, quality control and assurance, final project assembly, and crating to ship the end product to its final destination.